Chiropractic is not a treatment for asthma. However, many who suffer from asthma report improvement by receiving chiropractic care.

Research suggests that there is a link between the spinal column, the nervous system and the respiratory system. This may be why many have report improved breathing after receiving care in our office.

Drugs may temporarily reduce symptoms by creating bronchial dilation but they ignore and cannot positively affect any underlying nerve disturbance.

What causes asthma?
Asthma cases are rising at an alarming rate. Some think it’s due to a combination of factors, especially the increase of chemicals in our environment.

  • Airtight, super-insulated homes can trap chemicals, molds, formaldehyde and other irritants.
  • Even the increasing use of antibiotics and over the counter- medications has been mentioned.question

Here is a great question to ask. If these factors were the only issue, why wouldn’t all children living in the same house and breathing the same air, suffer equally?

The Chiropractic Connection
Your diaphragm is the primary muscle used for breathing. It separates the heart and lung (thorax) cavity from the abdominal cavity.  It moves up and down in sync with our efforts to breath. Nerves that control each breath leave your brain and exit the spinal cord primarily at the C-4 level in the neck. Research has shown that spinal problems in this area can have a profound effect on the nerve supply to the diaphragm.

light-switchI bring you back to a light dimmer in your home. If you dim the light, then the bulbs are not getting the full electrical juice to show brightly and you have less than a 100{9af40bf80e52f11aa5d7472b6ee2426c1e641e46093dbc3d29b8bc21a0ebb17e} burning light fixture. The same process works with the electrical system (nervous system) of the human body.

Subluxations create this dimming effect within the body
……… and thereby reducing the subluxation in the spine may help restore proper nervous system control of the lungs. Thereafter, improved function can begin.

In fact, research published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research documented the results experienced by 81 children with asthma who received chiropractic care. The two-month study revealed that those under chiropractic care saw a 45{9af40bf80e52f11aa5d7472b6ee2426c1e641e46093dbc3d29b8bc21a0ebb17e} decrease in the number of “attacks” and that 31{9af40bf80e52f11aa5d7472b6ee2426c1e641e46093dbc3d29b8bc21a0ebb17e} of the subjects voluntarily chose to decrease their medication.

All this from reducing subluxations affecting the nervous system which controls the lungs!

There is more to it….
Chiropractic care has been shown to help reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks. The point being made here is that chiropractic care does not treat the condition we know as asthma, but what may be in many cases, the condition known as vertebral subluxations that may be creating the condition. In other words, the cause of the asthma attacks.

Names of diseases and conditions are just that; names. It is usually a combination of things that are going on within the body that are malfunctioning. Doesn’t it make sense to look at the body as a whole for overall health?

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